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2004-01-11 - 8:20 p.m.

my 21st came quietly as you'd expect from me. nick talked me into going out with his friends the night before. so at midnight i would turn. after a white russian and 2 jager-bombs. (however you spell it) i had to go. and of course, woke up with a hangover. called off work.

now, i'm about to go out to bernies. cause all the other bars suck a little more than that. actually, i like bernies, it's just that it's such a dive that they dont' even have good liquor. ah well. i'll have the rest of my life now to go to better bars.

i'm not happy about turning 21. it seems life is all down hill now. nothing left to look forward to. i might as well just start planning my suicide. (not really) i've never been in too much of a hurry to 'grow up' and now that i'm a full fledged adult, it still stands true.

yeah. new years was fun. dana lives in the mountains. it's scary. in the band clutch's old house. everything is fine with me. i'm quitting sns soon. too much contempt to live. hehe.

happy birthday to me!

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